
Ric Knowles

Last updated: September 12, 2024

Ric Knowles has over 40 years experience as a director and dramaturge at theatres ranging from Mulgrave Road to the Stratford Festival. Selected highlights include Lion in the Streets (Tarragon), The Unplugging and Monster (Factory), Hallaj and The Death of the King (Modern Times), Body 13, Amal, and Qana (MT Space), A Taste of Empire and The Wanderers (Cahoots), The Bell (GOAT Collective), Bullfinch's Mythology (Tottering Biped), I Don't Know (Theatre Mada), Besbouss (Pleiades), and Chocolate Woman Dreams the Milky Way (Chocolate Woman Collective). Ric is a member of LMDA Canada.

Projects & initiatives

Radio plays Irresistible-neighbourhoods urbanleaf 1920x1080---card

Irresistible Neighbourhoods

Irresistible Neighbourhoods is a multi-year radio play development project centered on themes of climate and sustainability, which imagines alternative visions for different Canadian neighbourhoods.

NAC media featuring Ric Knowles